The benefits of a crate

No, not every dog needs one. But, for those that do, dogs and owners alike can find comfort in a sturdy crate. As den animals, most dogs take well to a crate, and treat this as their home inside your home!

Often, owners of newly rescued dogs feel that a crate is cruel. They would prefer to give their dog free roam immediately because said dog has had it rough, or spent “x” amount of time in a kennel, or *insert any other reason here.* Unfortunately, when this new family member doesn’t yet know the rules of your home, having free roam can actually create quite a bit of anxiety. Especially coming from somewhere like a shelter, where the routine is the same every day, they simply don’t know what to do or what to expect in a new place! Having a routine that involves a crate can really help during the adjustment period, and can prevent common behavioral problems like anxiety and housebreaking issues.

Crating young and old dogs alike can be beneficial to curb unwanted behaviors, as well. Any number of behaviors can occur from boredom and lack of exercise- chewing is a common one that comes to mind. Crating can keep your dog safe from chewing on dangerous or expensive items, and you can place items the dog is allowed to chew on inside the crate! Of course, if the behaviors are a result of boredom or a lack of exercise, addressing these issues is important, as well.

Interested in learning how to best crate train your dog? Contact us for details!

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