Our dogs bring immense joy and companionship to our lives. That said, we provide behavioral consults for HSHC because sometimes . . . they also exhibit natural behaviors that are frustrating. Behaviors that come up often during consults are chewing, digging, or excessive barking. (Housebreaking...

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="421"] Newly Adopted Pup[/caption] Housebreaking a newly adopted dog can be a challenging and crucial aspect of welcoming a furry friend into your home. The process involves teaching the dog appropriate bathroom habits, ensuring a clean and comfortable living environment, and building a...

When it comes to the question of "Nature VS Nurture" there's no easy answer. The best answer is usually: BOTH. Dogs are born with an innate temperament, which is generally influenced by their breeding. We also influence how they respond to the world around them. Quickly,...

Selecting an appropriate new dog to bring home, as well as selecting new playmates for dogs in your household always requires introducing the dogs. There are a few points to remember to ensure that all new greetings are as successful as they can be. A...

What's your dog's story? Some of our beloved pets are blessed to have an easy and short one. While that's not the case with all of them, it's nice to know that those with a longer story can have happy endings, and be amazing pets...

Keeping a training journal while working with your dogs can be very rewarding. I often suggest this to clients that own dogs with behavioral concerns when they enter into a training program, although this can be very useful for all dogs. I keep one for each...

[caption id="attachment_198" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Photo courtesy of Bartlett Image."][/caption] With this recent Maryland ruling that “pit bull” dogs are inherently dangerous, it’s time to take a look at the popularity and population density of the breed. It’s absurd, even for owners of a docile dog of...

Some dogs are content with simple provisions of food, shelter, and our affection. Of course, these are the basic necessities of pet ownership. However, most dogs need more than this, and failure to provide the other essentials can make for not only an unhappy and disobedient...

Red shows us basic commands that are covered in our group classes! Note that his commands are in German - you're welcome to use whatever commands you prefer with your dog. With the exception of Intermediate and Advanced classes, our group courses are done on...