Most dogs, like most people, are natural followers. In fact, humans have bred dogs to follow our leadership for thousands of years. Even if you're not a natural-born leader, your dog needs you to learn to be one for his sake! Many behavioral problems are a result of a...

Keeping a training journal while working with your dogs can be very rewarding. I often suggest this to clients that own dogs with behavioral concerns when they enter into a training program, although this can be very useful for all dogs. I keep one for each...

Some dogs are content with simple provisions of food, shelter, and our affection. Of course, these are the basic necessities of pet ownership. However, most dogs need more than this, and failure to provide the other essentials can make for not only an unhappy and disobedient...

Most of us know that issues our dogs have are often related to us, as handlers. I'll even admit that, in a competition setting, I've been told by a judge: "Your dog looks much better off leash than on leash." Wow. Yes, that means that problems in...

Henry needs a home!        Henry is a 6-year old, male, collie/hound mix, and as you can see he is a cutie! He loves long walks, chasing squirrels, and above all else affection from people. He makes a great running partner (currently runs 3-4 miles a few times...

In May, 2011, we included a survey regarding summertime heat knowledge. Thank you to those that participated!! If we used majority responses, there was an average of 100% correct answers out of the 10 questions. Great job, it looks like everybody knows how to protect...

Although I specifically mention Pit Bulls, I also write for all breeds.  They all need homes, leaders, guidance, socialization, training and responsible owners. I always have wondering thoughts at the end of every day since I have become more engulfed in the dog world.  Specifically, over...