As winter is winding down, we're getting hit hard this year! If you and your dogs are going stir crazy, below are some great indoor activities that you can do to prevent boredom and destructive behaviors.   1. Hide and Seek- Tap into...

Although I specifically mention Pit Bulls, I also write for all breeds.  They all need homes, leaders, guidance, socialization, training and responsible owners. I always have wondering thoughts at the end of every day since I have become more engulfed in the dog world.  Specifically, over...

I received a call on Thursday afternoon, the day before the WPBTCA National Championship was supposed to start. It's a Friday-Sunday event, and I had been looking forward to it for a while- catching up with old friends, people involved in dog sports, meeting new people. The...

[caption id="attachment_81" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Esco teaches the pups to relax"][/caption] As most of you know, I took in three foster pups for Mid Atlantic Bully Buddies a few weeks ago. The little boy, Dojo, wasn't eating well, and after a short stay at the vet, is...

Pictured above are Ace, Fin, and Red; recent graduates of Mutt Magic's S.T.A.R. Puppy course! This course is recommended for dogs between 4-10 months of age, and is a great way to socialize your new puppy. Focusing on items such as proper dog-dog social behavior, as well as behavior management,...

As some may know, in addition to running Mutt Magic full time, I also attend school full time. I try to not allow idle time for my brain, and I like to remain challenged. As my summer semester is finishing up, my professor had us...